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  • The Americas Foundation

New year, new you!

Welcome to our new website.

We, The Americas Foundation Fundación de las Americas, are a non-profit organization supporting the arts and education. We've brought architecturally iconic charity schools to an impoverished Colonia of Tijuana, Mexico. Our effort is geared towards bringing beautiful spaces to children, where they are excited to learn, cultivate their minds and grow into well rounded problem-solvers and citizens of tomorrow. We strive to promote the arts and give children the tools to express themselves and critically think creatively.

With the help and support of friends and volunteers, we have:

Constructed over 10+ Classrooms.

Inspired by Gaudi’s organic architecture, we’ve erected buildings with similar rounded designs that offer a safe space for creative learning and imagination.

Served over 30+ years in helping the community.

Created schools, art programs, jobs and a place for community gathering, we’ve managed to help some of the people who are most in need.

Impacted 4500+ students.

We’ve granted 4500+ children with a primary school educational scholarship and provided them with the opportunity to develop their talents and grow.“

You too can join our effort. I’ve you’d like to learn more on how to get involved or support the cause, click here.

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